Sunday, December 9, 2007

The New England Patriots: Vindictive as Fuck

So, Anthony Smith guaranteed that the Steelers would be the first team to drop an L on the Patriots. Sentiment was pretty much universal that this was a very, very dumb move for the 2nd year safety out of Syracuse (also known as one of the top 2 college football programs in upstate New York).

Obviously, this served as a little extra motivation for the Patriots. "It's almost like when you go to a pizza shop and you order your pizza and you say 'I want extra sausage,'" said Patriots safety Rodney Harrison. "There's nothing wrong with extra sausage [Your mom also said this before calling me over last night. -Ed.]."

Well, not only did the Patriots win easily, they devised a gameplan seemingly designed for the sole purpose of humiliating a single player. It's brilliantly vindictive on their part, really; they're at the point where fans have to grudgingly give them credit. It's pretty much the equivalent of admitting that at least Mussolini made sure the trains ran on time.

But the pièce de résistance came after the game, when Belichick was asked about Smith's role in the game: "We've played against a lot better safeties than him, I'll tell you. The safety play at that position was pretty inviting."

Well, damn. That's pretty much a verbal bitchslap on par with Nas' "Ether" and Justin Timberlake's "Cry Me a River." (Oh, fuck you, trying to say you don't listen to Justin. Liar.)

1 comment:

ummfada said...

"The Patriots are Vindictive", Footballs understatement of the Century.